In September, Chelyabinsk Tube Rolling Plant (part of CTRP) completes the shipment of large diameter pipes (LDP) for the onshore section arrangement of oil and gas field named after Vladimir Filanovsky OAO "LUKOIL", located in the Caspian Sea. Under the contract, the lot size is more than 65 000 tonnes of large diameter pipes.
Pipe diameter 559 mm and 711 mm, with wall thickness of 11.1 — 25.4 mm with an external three-layer anticorrosion coating made of steel grade X52 and X65 in the shop "Height 239". Under the terms of the customer's entire volume of tubular products produced under the control of inspection "TehnoEkspertServis."
Advantage ChTPZ Group with the participation in the tender "LUKOIL" has become a fact of successful deliveries of Chelyabinsk pipes for the offshore part of the field development project of V. Filanovsky. In 2012, white steelmakers shipped under it more than 26 000 tonnes of pipes with diameter 559 mm and wall thickness of 15.9 mm., The press service of the CTRP.
Participation Group CHTPZ in oil and gas projects of this level's reputation as a reliable supplier of quality pipe products having high-tech manufacturing facilities.