VSW Launches New Range of Oil and Gas Pipes for Export

Vyksa Steel Works (VSW Open Joint Stock Company, part of United Metallurgical Company, OMK CJSC, Moscow) has produced its first batch of pipes with a diameter of 457mm and wall thickness ranging from 6mm to 12.5mm. The products, which are new in the factory’s range, will be delivered to foreign clients under existing contracts. The new pipes were rolled out at electric-weld pipe workshop #3, using the upgraded pipe mill 203-530 from carbon steel grades produced at the Casting and Rolling Complex (an affiliate of OMK-Steel, based in Vyksa, part of OMK). The products are intended mostly for export deliveries and will be in demand in the European Union, and by clients from the Arab countries and the USA. The modernization of VSW’s third pipe workshop enabled the launch of the new range of pipes. “The modernized 203-530 complex allows for the production of a wide range of pipes and sections which are in demand both on the internal and external markets. Pipes of the so-called inch range are new for us, and they will be used for constructing main oil and gas pipelines in temperate climate zones,” said Sergey Filippov, VSW’s Executive Director. http://omk.ru/en/OMK/Press-center1/News?subject=ec537f62-ad60-41e4-b334-ad6a19708554