- 24.06.2016
- Категория: Новости
The Pervouralsk Pipe plant (part of ChelPipe) has launched a ХПТ (KhPT)10-45 cold-rolling mill, a grinding unit and a straightener for cold-worked stainless steel tubes. The investment project will help increase the production capacity, improve the quality and cut down the manufacturing costs for items intended for the nuclear power and machine engineering industries. The investment is worth about 200 million rubles.
The design capacity of the cold-rolling mill is 1.1 million meters of tubes per year, that of the processing line is 2.4 million meters of tubes per year. The main assortment of the products fabricated with the new equipment is tubes dia. 10 to 30 mm, up to 20 m long. The by-assortment is tubes dia. 6 to 80 mm, up to 22 m long.
“ChelPipe Group’s white metallurgists continue developing the production to comply with the customers’ highest demands. The efficiency of the new equipment is 1.5 times higher than of the existing one, with a notably improved accuracy of the finished products. I am sure, this project when effected will boost the company’s competitiveness and help enter new markets”, said Aleksandr Grubman, General Director, ChelPipe Group.
The ChelPipe share in shipments of industrial seamless tubes to the domestic market is about 50%.